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Losses and Metrics

The lossses and metrics modules contain some commonly used such functions implemented with jax to benefit from jax primitives like grad and jit. The documentation below also lists some commonly used such metrics that we have not implemented in jax, and we instead point readers to well-used implementations (often scikit-learn, marked with an asterisk *). Such functions have not been implemented because we believe they will not be required to work with the jax primitives (e.g. metrics do not often need to be differentiated) - of course if you feel this library would benefit from such implementations, contributions are very welcome.

Loss functions are normally minimised (e.g. for learning/optimising a model), and metrics are normally maximised (e.g for further evaluating the performance of a model). Most loss and metric functions have been designed to work in a similar way to scikit-learn metrics if available, otherwise tensorflow/tensorflow addons (e.g. same names, similar implementations), and have the form:

function_name(y_true: jnp.ndarray, y_pred: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray

Bounding Box


from jax_toolkit.losses.bounding_box import giou_loss

giou_loss(boxes1: jnp.ndarray, boxes2: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray
# boxes are encoded as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max], e.g. jnp.array([[4.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0], [5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0]])
Name Notes
giou_loss Generalized Intersection over Union (GIoU) is designed to improve on the Intersection over Union metric. Benefits include being differentiable, so that is can be used to train neural networks. More benefits and details can be found here.



from jax_toolkit.losses.classification import LOSS_FUNCTION

Note: Each for these losses take an optional normalize: bool argument, which when set to False returns individual sample losses.

Name Notes
log_loss (aka. binary/multi-class log loss or binary/categorical crossentropy) This applies a large penalty for confident, wrong predictions (see plots below).
squared_hinge This has been shown to converge faster, provide better performance and be more robust to noise (see this paper). Expects y_true to be -1 or +1.
sigmoid_focal_crossentropy Shown to be useful for classification when you have highly imbalanced classes (e.g. for "object detection where the imbalance between the background class and other classes is extremely high").
y_true = 0 y_true = 1

Loss Plot


from jax_toolkit.metrics.classification import LOSS_FUNCTION
Name Notes
balanced_accuracy_score* Good interpretability, thus useful for displaying/explaining results.
intersection_over_union (aka. Jaccard Index) Useful for image segmentation problems, including for handling imbalanced classes (it gives all classes equal weight).
matthews_correlation_coefficient* - Lots of symmetry (none of True/False Positives/Negatives are more important over another).
- Good interpretability
  1 := perfect prediction
  0 := random prediction
  −1 := total disagreement between prediction & observation


from jax_toolkit.losses.probabilistic import kullback_leibler_divergence


Name Notes
kullback_leibler_divergence Measure how the probability distributions of y_true and y_pred differ (0 means identical). Often used in generative modelling.



from jax_toolkit.losses.regression import LOSS_FUNCTION
Name Notes
mean_absolute_error Good interpretability, thus useful for displaying/explaining results.
median_absolute_error - Good interpretability.
- Median can be more robust that the mean (e.g the mean number of legs a dog has is less than 4, whilst the median is 4).
max_absolute_error Good interpretability.
mean_squared_error Relatively simple and (mathematically) convenient.
mean_squared_log_error For problems where y_true has a wide spread or large values, this does not punish a model as heavily as mean squared error.


from jax_toolkit.metrics.regression import LOSS_FUNCTION
Name Notes
r2_score Indication of goodness of fit.
- 0 := constant model that always predicts the mean of y
- 1 := perfect fit


If you are familiar with haiku, a JAX-based neural network library, you can use the get_haiku_loss_function() function to get a loss from jax_toolkit that can be used with haiku:

import haiku as hk
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from jax_toolkit.losses.utils import get_haiku_loss_function

def net_function(x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
    net = hk.Sequential([
    predictions: jnp.ndarray = net(x)
    return predictions
net_transform = hk.transform(net_function)

loss_function = get_haiku_loss_function(net_transform, loss="sigmoid_focal_crossentropy", alpha=None, gamma=2.0)

# Train model,
grads = jax.grad(loss_function)(params, x, y)

Useful resources

[1] 24 Evaluation Metrics for Binary Classification (And When to Use Them)